Choral Scholars

Cathedral Choir

The Cathedral offers six choral scholarships to alto (male or female), tenor and bass singers who are keen to gain experience in singing in a Cathedral Choir of a professional standard.

Choral Scholars are normally gap year or recent post-graduate students but the scholarships are also open to undergraduates studying in Norwich, provided their course is compatible with choir commitments.


Choral Scholars are appointed initially for one year, but this can be extended to two or occasionally three years.

The placements are ideal preparation for those who wish to study singing at a music conservatoire, undertake a university choral scholarship or pursue a career as a professional musician.

Choral scholars sing alongside the six lay clerks at all services and performances given by the Cathedral Choir as well as singing as members of the Cathedral Chamber Choir. Free singing tuition is offered throughout the year, normally with our visiting singing teacher Richard Edgar-Wilson.

Choral scholars are offered shared rent-free accommodation (inclusive of all utility costs) in the beautiful Cathedral Close and a termly scholarship (currently £2,000 per year). Additional fees are paid to choral scholars for singing at weddings, funerals and concerts, and typically choral scholars will supplement their income through additional work locally, often at schools in the city.

The Cathedral’s Master of Music, Ashley Grote, is pleased to hear from prospective candidates at any time to arrange an informal visit and pre-audition. For more information contact the Music Department by clicking on the button below.